Nisus writer pro footnotes space
Nisus writer pro footnotes space

nisus writer pro footnotes space

A brief abstract should be placed at the beginning of the submission. Contributions should be no less than 3000 words and no more than 8000 words, including notes.ĥ. Submissions must include a cover letter confirming that the paper has not been submitted simultaneously to another periodical for consideration for publication.Ĥ. all author identifying information should be suppressed.ģ. Submissions must be prepared for blind review, scil. Submissions must be submitted in WORD (Win or Mac), in NISUS WRITER PRO (Mac) or as an RTF file.ģ.


Authors should follow Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition) in preparing their manuscripts.Ģ. Submissions should be made both by hard copy and also sent as an e-mail attachment to The journal will consider only papers whose authors certify that, while under consideration with us, their papers will not be submitted elsewhere for consideration.ġ. Footnotes should be used sparingly and should be numbered consecutively, typed with wide margins and double spacing, placed at the end of the paper. WordPad was introduced in Windows 95, replacing Microsoft Write. All manuscripts should be typewritten with wide margins, and at least double spacing between lines. It does not support footnotes and endnotes. When you apply a paragraph style Nisus Writer Pro removes certain characteristics that may already be associated with the text and substitutes the formatting of the style you are applying. 7200-7500 words (notes included in word count). The journal favors the approach to philosophical history, increasingly prominent in recent years, that refuses to see the boundary between philosophy and its history as an impassable barrier.Ĭontributions may be as short as 3,000 words or as long as 8,000 but contributors are encouraged not to exceed ca. Contributors regard work in the history of philosophy and in philosophy itself as parts of a seamless whole, treating the work of past philosophers not only in terms of historical inquiry, but also as a means of dealing with issues of ongoing philosophical concern.

nisus writer pro footnotes space

Not only do the FNs disappear, but the actual numbers referencing them in the text do as well.


History of Philosophy Quarterly (HPQ) specializes in papers that cultivate philosophical history with a strong interaction between contemporary and historical concerns. I am really loving Devonthink, it is probably the best 100+ I have spent on software in a LONG time, and by itself has made the switch from Windws 7 to OSX worth it, but sure wish that when you bring a RTF from Nisus writer pro that it would preserve the footnotes that are in the document.

Nisus writer pro footnotes space